Tuesday 18 December 2012

Third Front Cover Draft

This is the third draft of my music magazine. The most significant difference I have made with this draft from my previous ones is the omission of the background. Since my first draft, I have used a background of a countryside that fits in with the photograph of the model and it distinctively showed what genre of music the magazine is based on. With this draft, I was curious to see what it would look like if I removed it and replaced it with a plain, white backdrop. I did this, and overall I am not particularly pleased with the outcome. The main reason being that the headline and features do not match. This is because the colours were mostly inspired by the background and not the model (with the exception of the light red from her lipstick) as I chose the outfit to compliment the backdrop I would be adding later on, as her outfit is very simple with not much colour. I know now, that a white background should only be used if the model's outfit or look contains at least 3 colours as they can be used for the colour scheme. Other changes I made to this draft was the sizing of the headline and features, I made them bigger than the previous draft but smaller than the first draft. I also changed the headline quote back to middle alignment as I felt this looked better and complimented the rest of the headline. 

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