Tuesday 18 December 2012

First Front Cover Draft

This is my first draft. Overall, I am extremely pleased with it as it conveys exactly what I visioned earlier on the the process of pre-production. For improvements for my next drafts, I feel that I could have spaced out my features a lot more and possibly rearrange them so they aren't interfering with the main image.

I took inspiration from this cover of Rolling Stone in many different ways;
The first being that I used a similar type of positioning for the masthead. I made sure it was at the top middle of the page with a bit being covered up by the model's head. I felt this compliments the cover the most as it fits in well with the page while a different position of the masthead would only make it look out of place.
I also used a similar idea as the small "The 2012 Hot List" feature. I liked this so much on the Rolling Stone magazine cover that I decided to create my own on Photoshop and put it on my magazine cover. Even though Rolling Stone is not a country magazine, I still felt this feature was just as appropriate to have on my magazine cover.

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