Tuesday 18 December 2012

Fourth Front Cover Draft

This the fourth draft of my music magazine. The significant difference from my last draft is that I reassembled the background previously used in my first and second draft. Like mentioned earlier, I did this because I felt the background was part of the magazine in a way that it contributed to the colour scheme and less features are needed if a great background is used as this the magazine much more depth, along with distinctively showing what genre of music my magazine is just by looking at it. I feel that adding more features will overwhelm the magazine cover and make it look very crowded and busy. Whereas the use of the background and less features makes the magazine very simple and elegant, which is what I'm aiming for with my magazine. The other significance is the new masthead, I added this in just for a test to see if this looked any better than the less. But now I have decided to change it back to my old masthead as I feel this masthead doesn't match the genre of music magazine as it looks more Rock/Punk due to the distorting design of it, rather than country.

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