Tuesday 18 December 2012

Second Front Cover Draft

This is my second draft of my music magazine. The most significant difference I have made with this draft was my experimentation with different images to use for the main image for my music magazine. I chose this image as it is completely different to my other image in my previous draft. As this one is a medium-long shot and the previous one was a close up. Other differences I mad to this draft was making some of the featureless smaller as I felt they took up too much space in the previous draft. Overall, this draft has made me realize that using a medium-long shot was a bad idea as it gives the cover too much empty space and it just looks messy. Making the text smaller didn't help this either as it contributes to leaving more empty space. When making my third draft, I will change the photo back to the previous one to avoid the problem of too much empty space.

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