Monday 17 December 2012

Behind the Scenes: Front cover photoshoot

This is my completed behind the scenes video for my front cover photoshoot for my music magazine. One of my friends volunteered to film it and she did using my Flip Ultra HD camcorder. I edited this footage using Adobe Premiere Pro, editing was a short process as a whole as I only created titles, sped up and slowed down footage, put a song in the backgound, added transitions and also added a few little effects here and there.

The song I used in the background is "Summerlong" by Kathleen Edwards, one of the artists that inspired to theme and genre of my music magazine (see below for fully study of her). Ultimately, the song was too long to use with my footage as the song is originally 4 minutes and 5 seconds long. To make this song fit with the footage without having to change the song completely, I sped up the song by another 2% which changed the duration to a good 3 minutes and 44 seconds which fit with the footage perfectly. By only speeding it up by 2% was also effective in the sense as it still sounded very similar to the original and wasn't unrecognizable like the song is when you speed it up over another 5%.

The video took a good 30 minutes to encode before publishing. Once this was complete, I watched my video only to notice that the logo of my music magazine had not appeared on the first title, instead it just says "logo". As I didn't have time to solve this issue and encode the video again, I decided to deal with this issue and just address it like I am now.

This is what the logo should have looked like:

This is also the masthead I'm planning to use for my music magazine.

Overall, I am very pleased with my behind the scenes video, aside from that one small problem. I took inspiration from the Vogue behind the scenes video shown earlier in the sense that there were titles at the beginning with the artist's name and footage with music in the background. As for improvements I would have liked to take the inspiration even further by interviewing my artist and interweaving that with the behind the scenes footage, as this was done in the Vogue behind the scenes video.

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