Friday 14 December 2012

Front cover images

This prezi contains all of the images I took for the front page of my magazine. I have split them in 3 categories to make them easier to analyse; best, worst and other. 

The pictures in the "best" category are all images that I consider to be the best. This is due to the great angles, good focus and good quality of lighting. These are all pictures that I may use for my front cover.

The pictures in the "worst" category are all images I consider to be the worst. This is due to bad lighting, blurriness and bad angles. It is very rare that I may use any of these images for my front cover.

The pictures in the "other" category are all images that are not good nor bad. They are good images but not good enough to be considered "the best". Overall, these images do have very good lighting and focus, but some of their angles mean that it will be unlikely that I will use any of these images.

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