Wednesday 21 November 2012

Lookbook: Lighting

For lighting, I don’t have too many ideas as the majority of the light in my photo shoot will be natural. But I have thought of some ways to manipulate this lighting into what I want. Which is sun glare. Sun glare is when the sun distorts an image through the use of discolouration. I will use this to my advantage through the use of Photoshop as well as on the shoot where I will play with camera settings to achieve this.

I created this collage online using an application called Photovisi. Which explains the web address being at the bottom right corner. I found all of these images myself specifically to make this collage, and they are all saved separately onto my computer, the majority of them being from various blogs and Flickr accounts. I am just stating this to deprive any accusations of plagiarism. This applies to all of my collages and mood-boards shown.

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