Wednesday 21 November 2012

Inspiration from a fellow blogger

While I was searching for photos to inspire me for my lighting ideas for the photo shoot, I came across this blog with fantastic pictures that captured my vision completely. For me, this blog as a whole is inspiration for my photos as well as the content and genre of my magazine.The majority of the pictures used in my lighting collage are from this blog. After more research I found out more about the blogger, Felicity, who wrote it and took the pictures for it. I loved the pictures so much I emailed her regarding any camera techniques and editing she could give me to achieve the same look that's in her photos. She emailed me back  quickly with a lot of helpful advice and techniques that I could use. I feel this has now advantaged me for when I do my location photo shoot in a few months and I now feel much more confident. 

Thanks Felicity!

Check out Felicity's blog here, you won't regret it.

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