Wednesday 7 November 2012

Focus group response

From conducting my focus group and the mixed discussion. I created some simple notes on what was said by my sample audience. These will help determine certain aspects to my music magazine. These are listed below:

  • Some like Kerrang, NME, magazines of Indie genre
  • The things that attract them the most are the features, free posters, exclusive content. Front cover has to be eye-catching
  • Even, half of the group likes digital magazines, the other half don’t
  • Preferred price to be £2 per week, price doesn't matter. If it’s more expensive then it has better content
  • Customer needs input to the magazine as it helps them decide want they want to read.
  • Essential features are reviews, free stuff, articles - tour, design, front cover,
  • They think that some bands stick to one genre of music, it’s a bit generalised but has a significant difference
  • They would change the price and the featutes - more reviews on upcoming bands etc
  • You are who you are, people judge depending on what magazine you buy, your choice, magazine reflects you
  • Subscriptions are good
  • Pay more for monthly than weekly as it has more content

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