Friday 1 March 2013

FINAL Double Page Spread Draft

This is my final double page spread draft. Unlike the rest of my product, I didn't receive much specific audience feedback for this. But I did receive some verbal feedback from my teacher, which is probably better than getting peer feedback. The only main improvement she suggested was to recreate the article sector of the page in publisher instead of Photoshop to make it look more conventional and professional. I elaborated on what she said by adding in a pull quote and making the article text go around it, this is extremely conventional to a music magazine. Other minor changes I made including moving the placing of the "Summer's new album out March 1st" and the image to the right side of the page near the text. As I thought the left page should be focused on the image and less on text. I also changed the lighting of the image slightly to make it look bright because before the scenery looked dull and I feel it reflected my music genre in a negative light. Lastly, I moved the credits to more conventional and efficient spot.

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