Friday 1 March 2013

FINAL Contents Page Draft

This is my final contents page draft. Out of all my pages that made up my final product. Creating my contents page was definitely the most challenging, so I decided to stick solidly to the feedback that I was given from my peers and my teacher to make it the best I could. The biggest change I made was the addition of another picture of my artist, I felt that the contents page was looking too empty so adding this in allowed me to manipulate the text around it and make it fit in with the rest of the page. I also made some big changes to the text as I made the black stroke less prominent, especially on the editor's note text, and I also differentiated the colours of the text a lot more, as previously it was all white, I added some green and light red to make the text fit my colour scheme a lot more. One of my biggest challenges to crack was the text in the editor's note. I was finding it difficult to visualize the text, as both white and black text was clashing with the background making it look out of place. I solved this problem by making it black but adding a outer glow to make the text a lot more brighter and readable. The last main change I made was the social media sites. As social media is incredibly popular these days as well as with my target audience. I felt that adding a twitter and Facebook link to my magazine's site would make it look a lot more modern and updated. The final few changes I made were very simplistic ones that included adding the fine black lines in the content boxes to separate the text and the omission of some of the editor's note.

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