Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Please watch in 720p HD for best quality sound!

My college magazine my final music music magazine front pages side by side

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Please watch in 720p HD for best quality sound! Turn up your volume as I'm quiet.

This video shows me demonstrating many skills in Adobe Photoshop while I explain the process and what I learnt from these technologies while I was constructing my final product.

Here is an example of what it took to create my final product. This is the step to step process of creation which I made earlier on after constructing the first draft of my magazine front cover.

Evaluation: Question 5

WATCH IN 720p HD for best quality playback!

Evaluation: Question 4

Here are the two videos I referenced in the powerpoint; the focus group and the mixed group discussion. Watch in 720p HD for best quality playback!

Evaluation: Question 3

Evaluation: Question 2

This is my question 2 for my evaluation which includes a music video which is an interpretation to some sectors of my target audience.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Language analysis of final product

Front cover -
The photo used on my front cover is a medium close-up. I felt that a medium close up was appropriate due to the fact that it is a common convention in music magazines as it uses up enough of the magazine front page without making it look clustered or empty. Furthermore, I used direct mode of address with the image, this draws the audience in and connects them with the artist. The masthead clearly reflects the genre of my music magazine as the acoustic style and instruments are characteristics of the country music genre. It also stands out as the black colour contrasts with the blue sky in my background. I used a variety of fonts to ensure that each of my features as well as my headline stand out individually. I chose the colours blue, black and red for my text colour as it contrasts with the main image and takes inspiration from it which is a key convention in music magazines in making it look consistent.
Contents page -
The images on my contents page definitely reflect the genre of my magazine. Especially though the scenic background and the use of instruments like guitars. The font and the background are the same as my front cover which provides some continuity within the front cover and contents page. Again my font stick with the key conventions and is readable. The colours of the font I have used on my front cover is either green, light red, or white. All of these colours reflect my genre in terms of nature and scenery  It also leans slightly more towards a female audience due to obvious reasons, which shows why females are my main target audience, but it may appeal to men also. I chose to use different coloured fonts because it makes my contents page more variety and diversity.

Double page spread -
The image used in my double page spread is similar to the image on the front cover. Although this was taken on location while the front cover image was taken in a studio, they both share the scenic backgrounds which makes my magazine consistent. The large title of the article 'We'll always have Summer" was created with a variety of different styles. I mainly took inspiration from a Q double page spread featuring Florence Welch. I wanted to make part of hit fill up the full 2 pages. So I did this with the "We'll" and put the other parts in different places and fonts. I feel that this was one of my strongest creations in my final products. The colours that I used i had to again be inspired by the main image so I used the red colour of model's shoes for the main colour. However I did stay consistent with the rest of my magazine by using a hint of the light blue colour in the page numbers as this is the main colour in my whole magazine.

Friday 1 March 2013

FINAL Double Page Spread Draft

This is my final double page spread draft. Unlike the rest of my product, I didn't receive much specific audience feedback for this. But I did receive some verbal feedback from my teacher, which is probably better than getting peer feedback. The only main improvement she suggested was to recreate the article sector of the page in publisher instead of Photoshop to make it look more conventional and professional. I elaborated on what she said by adding in a pull quote and making the article text go around it, this is extremely conventional to a music magazine. Other minor changes I made including moving the placing of the "Summer's new album out March 1st" and the image to the right side of the page near the text. As I thought the left page should be focused on the image and less on text. I also changed the lighting of the image slightly to make it look bright because before the scenery looked dull and I feel it reflected my music genre in a negative light. Lastly, I moved the credits to more conventional and efficient spot.

FINAL Contents Page Draft

This is my final contents page draft. Out of all my pages that made up my final product. Creating my contents page was definitely the most challenging, so I decided to stick solidly to the feedback that I was given from my peers and my teacher to make it the best I could. The biggest change I made was the addition of another picture of my artist, I felt that the contents page was looking too empty so adding this in allowed me to manipulate the text around it and make it fit in with the rest of the page. I also made some big changes to the text as I made the black stroke less prominent, especially on the editor's note text, and I also differentiated the colours of the text a lot more, as previously it was all white, I added some green and light red to make the text fit my colour scheme a lot more. One of my biggest challenges to crack was the text in the editor's note. I was finding it difficult to visualize the text, as both white and black text was clashing with the background making it look out of place. I solved this problem by making it black but adding a outer glow to make the text a lot more brighter and readable. The last main change I made was the social media sites. As social media is incredibly popular these days as well as with my target audience. I felt that adding a twitter and Facebook link to my magazine's site would make it look a lot more modern and updated. The final few changes I made were very simplistic ones that included adding the fine black lines in the content boxes to separate the text and the omission of some of the editor's note.